*These assessments are under copyright with all rights reserved. This means you may not duplicate, distribute, edit, or make alterations without express written permission of the owner/creator.
EPOCH Well-Being Assessment for Kids
Based on the EPOCH assessment developed by Peggy Kern and Martin Seligman for older children, this adaptation for younger children was created by Megan Gilmore with their permission.
Recommended for use with children ages 5-10 years old. Parents/guardians receive their child’s overall well-being score with resources to develop and increase flourishing in the lives of children.
Developed by Megan Gilmore and available for use by LSCCs, this wheel can be used to assess client well-being based on our seven facets of well-being (positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, achievement, mindfulness, and embodiment), all of which have evidence-based interventions that lead to greater levels of well-being.
Use with clients to establish coaching objectives or create areas of focus to increase fulfillment and flourishing.
The PERMA+ME Wheel available in Spanish.
Couples Assessment Wheel
Developed by Megan Gilmore and available for use by LSCCs for the purpose of relationship coaching in intimate partnerships.
RHETI Enneagram assessment
The Enneagram is a great engagement tool for your clients. The RHETI assessment from the Enneagram Institute has the best test-retest reliability out there! As a coach, you can set up a business account and order assessments for your clients.
StrengthsFinder Assessment
The StrengthsFinder assessment tool was developed by Gallup to identify an individual’s top strength themes that contribute toward high achievement and overcoming challenges in their lives. You can create your own account with Strengthsfinder to purchase and distribute the assessment coaching clients.
Team StrengthsFinder Grid
Use this grid to display a team’s StrengthsFinder assessment results. List the names and themes, and the grid is created automatically.
IMAGE | Intrinsic Motivation Assessment Guide & Evaluation
IMAGE was developed by Dr. Bill Millard at Life Discovery to identify an individual’s proactive motivations for how they are uniquely drawn to service and meeting needs in the world.
“Character strengths are the positive parts of your personality that make you feel authentic and engaged. You possess all 24 character strengths in different degrees, giving you a unique character strengths profile.” ~VIA Website