21 Questions for 2021
As we come to the end of 2021 and look forward into 2021, the processes that used to work for us to complete one year and continue into another, may not feel quite right. 2020 has been a year of global and collective trauma, suffering and resilience that we have never experienced before - not in this way, not with these tools. So we want to be very clear, when we say that no matter what happened in 2020, no matter what you did or did not do, no matter what you made happen or what happened to you - there are some things that do not change. There are some things we know for certain:
We believe that you are creative, resourceful, whole and relational. We believe that you are uniquely valuable. You are worthy of being championed. You are capable of solving complex problems. And you are ready to live at choice. We believe this is true of you every day, and that these questions are not about being a “better you.” Because, darling, you are just where you need to be just as you are. These questions are about reflecting to increase awareness and appreciation and choosing to move forward with conscious, resonant choices, at your own pace, in a way that will serve you best.
As we all try to lean in to 2021 with wisdom and courage, we’d like to offer you this tool as a thank you for supporting us in this year. It was beautiful and messy, full of successes and failures. Whether you’ve supported Lark's Song as a client, colleague, partner, coworker, friend or family member, we are incredibly grateful for you! There are many mixed feelings that come up as we think about 2020, but when we think about the people that have co-created with us, the overwhelming emotions are gratitude and joy!
We hope you will use the following as a tool, one without too many rules. Make it messy or precise, finish all of it in a day, some of it over the coming weeks, or none of it at all. As you use this tool to complete and create, keep the following in mind:
Live at Choice! No one else is responsible for your life and you’re not responsible for anyone else’s, so stop being held hostage by other people and their limits or expectations.
Be Courageous! Failure is actually an option! If you never fail, you are actually choosing to create an ineffective “life laboratory” in which learning and growth cannot take place. Stretch yourself to your maximum potential.
Be Creative! Don’t make rules where there aren’t any. If your life isn’t honoring your strengths, your values, or your purpose, then create one that does. That doesn’t mean that your life circumstances need to drastically change, but it probably does mean that your perspective or approach to them does.
Delight in the process! There are no rules here. You don’t have to answer all 21 questions if you don’t want to. You can skip some, answer some today and some tomorrow, change the questions to fit you in a more personal way – whatever you like. Turn on some music, get something to drink, and enjoy this time.
Write your answers and share your responses with someone! This step takes commitment and courage. Writing something down is an act of commitment, just skimming over the questions will not help. You actually have to write something. Sharing your intentions creates additional responsibility for you, but it is also inspiring to others and gives you the gift of accountability as you accomplish your goals. Step out of your comfort zone and try it.
Our wish for you as you enter 2021 is that you will live a year of that courageously co-creates a more fulfilled and flourishing world - starting with you. Please feel free to share this resource with anyone that you have the same wish for. If you’d like to meet with one of our coaches to work through your responses to any of the questions below, feel free to set up a free 30 minute sample coaching session with Megan Gilmore.
(It may be helpful to have your calendar or planner for 2020 and/or 2021 on hand, as well as a journal or other resource for saving your responses.)
21 Questions for 2021
1. What were the successes, gains and breakthroughs of 2020?
2. What were your failures, losses and breakdowns of 2020?
3. What do top 3 lessons do you want to be sure to remember?
4. Have you given yourself permission and space to process grief, anger, or sadness for what did not go well in 2020? If not, how will you do that?
5. Who have you harmed in 2020 and what repair work do you need to be sure to do?
6. How have you been harmed in 2020 and what repair work do you need to be sure to do?
7. If all you needed to solve your problems was to subtract, what would you need to get rid of, cut out, let go of or release?
8. What one person do you need to pay a gratitude visit to that impacted you in 2020 and was never properly thanked for their impact on you?
(A gratitude visit consists of writing a specific and concrete letter of gratitude that is about 300 words long, setting up a meeting with the recipient, reading it out loud to them, and talking together for about 30 minutes afterwards about their impact and getting curious about what is next for them. Consistent gratitude visits have been shown to diminish depression and increase flourishing more than medication and therapy combined.)
9. As you lean back and look forward, what do you want to savor here?
10. What are you tolerating?
(Make a list! All the broken items, stacks, piles, irritants, half-done projects, etc.)
11. What is one courageous choice that, if you made it in 2021, would drastically change your life for the better?
12. What are 2 simple practices that you could start, adapt or continue every day that make you feel more alive?
13. What is your theme, vision, or word for the 2021?
(This is where you get to imagine! Your vision is just a picture of something better, not goals or strategic action points. What does your picture look like? What do you really want for 2021? If you could sum up the year with one word, what would it be? 2021 – the year of _____)
14. What one thing could you produce in 2021 if you really cultivated your personal creativity?
15. What are your top 3 priorities for 2021?
(If you struggle with aligning priorities or coming up with goals, breakdown your life into categories and assess which categories you would most like to grow in throughout the coming year – professional development, relationship with spouse/significant other, finances, community involvement, personal/spiritual development, health and well-being, leisure and recreation, family and friends, physical environment, etc. Or use our PERMA+ME Wheel to assess a good place to focus on increasing your well-being.)
16. What 2-3 character qualities would you like to develop in 2021?
(Try using the VIA Character Strengths Table.)
17. How can you maximize your potential for flow in 2020?
18. What commitments do you need to make to your self and others as you enter into 2021?
19. What one thing do you need to remind yourself of every day? How will you remind yourself?
(Get a painting, write it on your mirror, keep a card in your wallet, change the wallpaper on your phone?)
20. If you could heal one relationship, story, space, or problem in 2021, what would it be?
21. What accountability and support will you put in place to ensure your fulfillment and flourishing in 2021?
Please tag #larkssong when sharing on Facebook and Instagram (@larks_song). We would love to hear your favorite question or how you adapted this process to work for yourself in the comments.
Want to work with a Lark’s Song Certified Coach?
Coaching is a professional relationship that prioritizes the client’s fulfillment and flourishing by partnering to overcome obstacles, co-create solutions, and champions the client’s truest and best self to lead their life from a place of conscious, resonant choices. Coaching isn’t about fixing, saving, or setting you straight. It’s about skillfully increasing awareness to gain insight, facilitating discovery with professional coaching tools to cultivate fulfillment, and choosing paths to flourishing through new habit creation.
Clients are usually highly motivated to see change in their lives and move beyond the status quo. They gain clarity, motivation, goal-attainment and increased well-being through the process.
Perhaps, this is exactly what you’re looking for! If so, click on the button below to schedule your free 30-minute sample session with Megan Gilmore. During your sample session, you’ll get a taste of what coaching is like and be matched with a Lark’s Song Certified Coach to begin your coaching journey when you’re ready.