Why Coaching
Angela Herrington (LSCC E3+15), Megan Gilmore (Executive Director), Cathy Weatherspoon (LSCC E7), Shayona Funches (Well-Being partner), Torri Williams (Intersectional Engagement Director + E16), and Liz Grider lead as breakout speakers for the Bloom Conference in June 2021.
Create Courageously
One thing we keep hearing when former participants come back to assist at current onsite trainings is something like, “Oh my goodness! This is so different.” It’s richer, fuller, more trauma-informed, more grounded in current research, more robust…if you can imagine.
So, we want to be sure our entire LSCC Community has access to the training program content as it is updated. To that end, for the rest of this year, we will be focusing our newsletter themes on the different virtual workshops offered through the LSCC training program. You’ll receive the current lecture, presentation slides, and what we call “next level extras” to go deeper into each topic.
As we explore Why Coaching in this newsletter, check out what Cindy Solomon has to say in her TED talk about Building Courage. Lark’s Song directors Megan and Torri, as well as LSCCs Angela and Cathy were able to lead breakouts at the Bloom Conference this month where Cindy was the keynote. She’s now a big Lark’s Song fan!
Choose Aliveness
In this skill refresh, we give you access to the latest Why Coaching Lecture currently being used in the LSCC training program.
Presentation slides from the updated Workshop 1: Why Coaching Lecture
Discover Purpose
Why Coaching lecture presentation slides for your review and development. Please do not copy any images or content from these presentations without our written permission.
Cohort 18 getting started at Foundation of Coaching June 2021.
Develop Potential
The 2021 World Happiness Report is now available!
The World Happiness Report is a publication of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, powered by data from the Gallup World Poll and Lloyd’s Register Foundation, who provided access to the World Risk Poll. The 2021 Report includes data from the ICL-YouGov Behaviour Tracker as part of the COVID Data Hub from the Institute of Global Health Innovation.
MPowering Youth visiting Lark’s Song and other businesses in downtown Marion to expand their imaginations about what is possible for their futures.
Lead to Serve
Sometimes, I forget. Sometimes I forget about how powerful the work we do is - how much it matters. I forget because this work of transformation can become familiar.
I remember one time after I came home from an onsite about four years ago, my husband, Evan asked me, “How’d it go?” And I said, “It was great.” Then went about getting some food ready in the kitchen. He stopped me and made it quite clear that that was not an acceptable or sufficient answer. Evan had gone through the LSCC training program with Cohort 2, and he said he knew how much it changed people’s lives. He wanted details. I started praying then that transformation would never become too familiar. I prayed that i would always, always be struck or held in awe of that - and to be honest, sometimes it takes some deep intention and attention to make sure that happens.
But earlier this month, we had a group of 22 children from our community come into Lark’s Song because their leader wanted them to tour downtown businesses so they would be inspired to expand their imagination, so they could envision greater things for themselves and their community. I welcomed them in and listened as Torri Williams, our Intersectional Engagement Director, told them what Lark’s Song was and what we do here. Then she bottomlined the whole thing by saying something like, “Lark’s Song is a place where we help people make dreams come true. What’s a dream that you have?”
It took my breath away and tears sprang up in my eyes.
For a moment, I was able to hold in wonder and appreciation the flourishing that has flowed from our office on the corner of 4th and Washington into our community - above our heads, across the street, down the sidewalk, on every side of the square, I could see the dreams we helped come true. And I remembered, why coaching for me!
Reflection Questions:
Why coaching?
How has transformation become familiar?
In what ways can you reawaken wonder and tune your attentiveness to the flourishing around you?
Affirmation: I am a courageous co-creator of transformation - first within myself.