Coaching Groups & Teams
LSCCs partnering for 2018 Fierce Gathering (a group coaching event) created by Katara McCarty
Create Courageously
One way to set the team or group that you are coaching at ease and to make sure that the same thing is being communicated to everyone about why you are working with them and what to expect is by sending out a team memo after receiving their contact information from a team leader. Here is an example of a team coaching memo that you can adapt, edit and use with your team coaching clients.
Choose Aliveness
In this skill refresh, Megan describes how to set up group and team coaching experiences by creating a flow with an icebreaker, deicer, designed alliance, and group coaching activity.
2019 Annual Day of Aliveness community coaching event put on by Lark’s Song in Marion, Indiana
Discover Purpose
Simplify your team discovery process by having team coaching participants complete Team Discovery Questions before starting your coaching sessions. You can use the form provided here as a guide in created your own customized discovery questions for your practice.
LSCCs come together to provide group coaching for student leaders at Mississinewa High School after murder/suicide of fellow students in February 2018.
Develop Potential
When you're coaching groups and teams, it can be helpful to have some supporting resources like booklets, worksheets, structures, supplies and presentation visuals. Here is an example of a booklet that we use when doing Appreciative Inquiry Summits with smaller groups and a presentation deck that we customize for virtual team coaching.
Made Wild Wilderness Coaching Excursion (October 2018)
Lead to Serve
The best advice that I can give as you look to expand your capacity in coaching groups and teams is three-fold:
1) Get a coaching mentor
2) Keep practicing as an assistant at group or team coaching experiences
3) Never do it alone…like ever
Group and team coaching is still a relatively new practice when compared to other group and team approaches historically, and as LSCCs, you bring the added rare element of knowing how to craft an experience-assisted coaching relationship that is incredibly powerful but difficult to find models of in books and podcasts right now.
And if you haven’t joined in our monthly conference calls yet, it is a great place to connect, brainstorm, and connect with LSCCs and the resources that they so generously share. There are so many books written every year on group and team coaching too! So many tools being created and articles being published!
Keep learning! Keep sharing! Keep co-creating.