Couples Worksheets
Three worksheets for use in couples coaching: Observations & Feelings, Needs & Boundaries, and Love & Forgiveness

Embodied Emotion Worksheet
A worksheet for increasing awareness and regulation around emotion and sensation.

“I Can Be…And” Worksheet
Use this worksheet with your clients to engage in the practice of expanding their range and calling forth their true self.

Designing Group Coaching Experiences Worksheet
This worksheet is a useful tool for planning group coaching experiences from beginning to end - all the way from onboarding and assessment to evaluation and follow-up.

Lark's Song 360 Tool
This is a tool for mapping the most resonant internal & external resources in a client's life.

List Poetry Tool
This tool was co-created by Megan Gilmore and Jami Taylor to be used with individual clients and at group coaching workshops and retreats for the purpose of self-discovery and awakening insight.

Mission Statement Builder
Wanting a tool for relationships and teams to use in place of life purpose statement? Try using the mission statement builder from Franklin-Covey as a homework inquiry.

Points of You
The coaching game that's more than just a game.

Sample Session Format
A guide on how to structure a sample session for a prospective client.

The Servant Leader Paradigm Chart
The chart comparing the Servant Leader Paradigm with other leadership models.

Tolerations List
We tend to get dragged down and overwhelmed by things that accumulate over time - and end up cluttering our minds. What are you putting up with?

Values Card Sort
This tool is designed for the introduction to exploring values with clients, created by LSCC Rachel Passereni.