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Superhero Camp


A FREE day camp for children aged 5-10 years old to identify their inner hero and discover how to use their “superpowers” for good.

Your child will love Superhero Camp! They will learn to identify the superhero that they already are, learn about their superpower strengths, understand how to fight their villains – like stress and “mind bandits”, and describe the problems they want to solve. They will be equipped with real life skills to increase their well-being across the board.

Every day includes stories, songs, exercise, time outside, games, meditation, snacks and other activities.

Your child will need to be signed in to Superhero Camp in Marion, Indiana by 10:00 AM and signed out by 3:00 PM every afternoon.

An afternoon snack is provided every day, but campers need to bring a sack lunch with them as well.

To make sure your child gets the most out of their Little Larks Superhero Camp experience, you will receive daily updates via email so that you know the concepts that they are covering and how to continue their learning at home.

Requirements for Attendance at Little Larks Superhero Camp:

  • Child must be 5-10 years old.

  • Parents must agree to email updates and complete all necessary registration, medical/nutritional information, and liability waiver forms.

  • Child must come with a prepared lunch (We will be able to refrigerate this lunch if necessary).

  • Child must attend all five days of Little Larks Superhero Camp from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.



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