Engagement and COVID-19
Create Courageously
If saboteurs and imposters are blocking your client's progress, check out this great resource from Laurie Santos, a psychology professor that created Yale's most popular course ever. In this YouTube playlist, she details the different kinds of cognitive biases that cause limiting beliefs and restrict our flourishing.
Choose Aliveness
Thought that was great? Laurie Santos and her team took "Psychology and the Good Life" (the most popular Yale class ever) and turned it into a FREE 6 week training on the Science of Well-Being over on Coursera.
Discover Purpose
Love the Enneagram? So do we! It's a great engagement tool for your clients. The RHETI assessment from the Enneagram Institute has the best test-retest reliability out there! As a coach, you can set up a business account and order assessments for your clients.
Develop Potential
As a well-being facet, engagement is synonymous with Flow. The world's leading expert on flow is Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihayli. Watch his TED presentation on flow here.
Lead to Serve
Instead of a note from Megan this month, we want to be sure that you are all up to speed on the resources that are available from the International Coaching Federation to help us as coaches respond to the COVID-19 global pandemic.