Neuroscience, Trauma, and Belonging
Because of some of the challenges and opportunities provided by the "shelter-in-place" (or for the positive ones of us out their "stay-at-home") orders, we were able to offer a 3 hour virtual training on Neuroscience, Trauma, and Belonging that went smashingly well.
As Co-Lab members, even if you weren't able to attend, we definitely want you to have access to the information and resources from that time, so that is what this newsletter focuses on.
Create Courageously
You'll find a PDF of the slides in the Coaching Resources, as well as a recording of the first part of the training so you can follow along.
Choose Aliveness
For our Choose Aliveness skill refresh, we have a recording of the Trauma & Belonging panel from our training. Please watch and consider what steps you might be able to take to create more access and equity in your coaching practice.
Discover Purpose
Childhood trauma is now considered a public health crisis! This means that as coaches, we don't get to ignore trauma in our client's lives, but we also don't become their therapist. Listen to this TED talk by Nadine Burke-Harris to understand how childhood trauma impacts health across a lifespan and consider whether you might need to assess for trauma during your discovery process differently.
Develop Potential
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can be a really meaningful way to understand your client AND partner with other professionals around their care. The ACE Questionnaire is attached, but you can also find an ACE Questionnaire with the Resiliency Scale attached. This assessment considers not only the trauma but the strength of your client's recovery and resiliency from it.
Lead to Serve
BONUS resource! The Flourishing Center is offering a webinar today on "How to Prevent Trauma Caused by the Pandemic | The Brain Science of Trauma" TODAY from 2:00-3:30 PM EST for free!